volunteering to help educate young underprivilage kids

I decided to volunteer with a group that focused in giving education to young poor children as part of my IB CAS experience. Our intention was to assist them in their education and provide knowledge of Indian culture. When we were there, we participated in numerous activities with the kids, such as teaching them about culture through games and activities like art and craft.I guided youths of various ages in art and craft, which was a wonderful way to get to know them, we also provided a learning atmosphere, apart from their academics. My major duty as a volunteer was to assist the children in completing the sand art project that I led. I provided assistance to children of various ages and backgrounds during this activity, In addition to this, I assisted in planning games and activities, which was a wonderful way to build relationships with them and get to know them better.


LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth

One of my strengths was being able to communicate clearly with the children, which was helpful because my art project required a lot of help and they also needed assistance in order to comprehend the assignment, but thanks to my demonstration, they were able to do so.


LO2-  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The language barrier was one of the difficulties I encountered, and developing relationships with the kids was a barrier I had to overcome Since it was difficult to successfully connect with the children since a large number of them did not speak English. In order to communicate with them more effectively, I overcame this by learning new nonverbal communication techniques, such using gestures and facial expressions to help them understand better, They became more at ease and open to learning as a result of my efforts to establish a connection and sense of trust with them.


LO5-  Demonstrate the skills and benefits of working collaboratively

We heavily encouraged teamwork and cooperation in the group activities we had planned. For instance, in painting and craft, we had been  divided  into various groups and  we worked together to make the process more effective so we could assist the difficult students.


LO6 -   LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

I was able to understand the global issue worldwide, which these children face, and I was able to make a difference in the lives of kids who experience educational inequality.  helping the young individuals, gave me a deeper knowledge of the value of education and how it affects children’s lives all around the world as a result of my involvement with this global issue. as a result in  i  also learned  some skills such as communication and leadership.


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