Waveboard – (activity)

Learning to waveboard was an experience that challenged me physically and mentally, but in the end, it was well worth it. Balancing on the board proved to be quite difficult, as it required precise coordination and control of my body. However, with practice and persistence, I gradually improved and eventually found my rhythm on the board. Overall, my experience with learning to waveboard taught me the value of pushing myself out of my comfort zone and persisting through challenges. It was a rewarding and exciting experience that gave me a newfound appreciation for the thrill of physical activity and the joy of learning new skills.

LOs achieved were :
LO1 Identifying own strengths and weaknesses :
When I first started learning how to waveboard, I quickly realized that I had both strengths and weaknesses that affected my progress. One of my strengths was that I had good balance and coordination, which helped me pick up the basic movements quickly. However, I also struggled with maintaining speed and control on the board, which I identified as a weakness that needed improvement. To address this weakness, I practiced regularly and focused on techniques to increase my speed and control. Overall, the process of learning how to waveboard taught me the importance of self-reflection and identifying my strengths and weaknesses, as it allowed me to improve and progress in the sport.
LO4 Show commitment and perseverance in experiences :
One of the greatest things I learned from waveboarding was the importance of perseverance. In the beginning, I fell off the board countless times and struggled to stay balanced. However, I didn’t give up, and through my determination, I was able to gradually improve my skills and eventually master the art of wave boarding.

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