Finance Club

I had recently participated in Finance club organized by few students since the beginning of term 1 , which consisted of a flexible learning plan which compassed of certain finance topics and the grounds of analysis. As I knew some concepts covered in finance before joining the programme , moreover I was aware that finance is an huge area which required attention I was determined to enroll for finance club as knowing the technicalities of any analysis was necessary in order to make some sense while evaluating the results of any financial Figures .Moreover showcasing the perseverance to learning deep on the similar lines ,I enrolled for finance club .

LO 1: I find myself equipped with good financial skills such as understanding the trend of an company, and identifying it’s future growth by forecasting it’s future .Moreover this skill was somewhere more developed than the other members of the club where I was able to grasp quickly onto the concepts taught .

LO 2 : The challenges which I considered was undertaken were from some concepts which I was not familiar with such as the technical language and some terms which I din’t knew . Yet as there was some conceptual clarity about the topics connected with the same ,it was easy to over come the challenge instantly .

LO 4: I showcased commitment throughout the sessions/Club because I wanted to learn about the concepts as an hobby , moreover it did help me in IBDP Business’ Management because the majority topics were inculcated in the Club .Hence it gave me an incentive to attend the sessions religiously .Moreover due to the commitment showcased throughout it gave an conceptual clarity about financial strategy one can use in order to make decisions .

LO 5:Collaboration is among the most important aspect used while group discission ,as some sessions consisted of group analysis where we were divided into pairs and were supposed to analyze the fundamentals of an company based on it’s stock trend and financial reports .Where I used collaboration skills in order to communicate with my peers and make sensible decisions.

LO 6: Financial learning and acquaintance is one of the most important aspect our country lacks behind in , where financial teaching is not taught in schools where this is the biggest global issue because not knowing about these aspects often leaves students with no choice other than academics is the future where the future leaders are at a big loss .Hence knowing the fact I choose to be taught about general finance which would help in the near future .


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