FSMUN: Creativity

FSMUN is the school Model UN conference. As a member of the organizing committee, I handled all of the preparations before the big day. FSMUN promotes debate, effective communication, and confidence-building, which motivated me to step outside of my comfort zone and organize the event. FSMUN has always intrigued me because of the name and the buzz that surrounds it among students. Because I arranged the event, planned it, used critical thinking, and managed myself, my interpersonal, communication, and self-management abilities got better. Being on the committee was an amazing experience. It is the biggest event at Fountainhead School. I learnt a lot during this process, and I also taught a lot of others. I’ve always enjoyed interacting with others and creating new memories. And all of this was entirely provided by the FSMUN.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

As FSMUN is a collaborative activity it allowed me to work with a lot of individuals and hence there were a lot of times people complimented each other, criticized when things went wrong. This allowed every individual to introspect on things they are not good at and distribute work based on everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. In my case, I was quite confident in areas that required decor and things that revolved around artwork. I am a very creative person and hence I ensured to give my 100% best. However, analytical things like arranging resources, contacting each department, getting the venues read was something I did not enjoy and was something I will be mindful of next time. And now that I have engaged in many events, I ensure to work with all departments no matter if I like it or not as this will help me in my future to adjust with all the possible environments. 

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I had a plethora of tasks to finish quickly while juggling multiple activities. I’ve always had trouble with time management, but this event gave me motivation to improve. I created to-do lists with the amount of time I was willing to devote to each assignment to help me overcome my weakness and effectively manage my time. I missed a lot of the curriculum because we had to take time away from our classes and miss slots throughout the preparation. 

LO3- Initiate and plan a CAS experience

Since students from the school and from other schools attend the event, FSMUN requires a lot of preparation. Although I did not explicitly plan the experience, I did help the core committee in focusing and ensuring the success of this event. I consider myself to be a generally organised person, and I enjoy keeping things at their proper place. This talent of mine enabled me to make FSMUN a spectacular event. Compared to planning, initiating the event was much simpler for me. And I look forward to being part of such events and initiating them.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

FSMUN requires substantial management because it is a formal event , as I already mentioned. Everything for FSMUN, had to be done from the scratch be it as minor as decoration to things like food, resources etc. It took a long time and a lot of work to plan everything. Throughout this activity, we had to be persistent and committed because if we procrastinate, we would have to miss out on other vital activities like school and sports.We arranged the timetable depending on the amount of time available, so there was never a day when we could skip out and put off doing our task. Even though it was challenging to work every day, we knew we had to persevere and demonstrate devotion if we were to perform the event properly. Even one absent kid would cause problems because they would lose out on a lot of work.

LO5–Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

It is kind of easy for me to work with people but sometimes I need time and space to open up to a few people. The team of FSMUN had a lot of committee members. Working collaboratively was the only way to ensure that the event would be successful and run smoothly. 

I exhibited social skills by taking on a proactive leadership role and cooperating with the team. All of the participants collaborated, contributed fresh ideas, and helped make the event a success overall. I collaborated with fresh faces and developed new acquaintances throughout the procedure. I also showcased reflective skills by analysing on what things went right and what didn’t so I could make sure those thing should or should not be implemented in any other event. While I worked with the team and addressed the delegates and oversaw committee meetings on the event day, I honed my communication skills. 

It takes a team to plan an event this size, and it takes time and work. We had a lot of work to complete in a short amount of time, so I was glad that this was a team project. It was simpler to accomplish the event work because the job was divided among the participants. Furthermore, new and varied viewpoints kept coming in, so we amalgamated all of the ideas and presented them as best we could. Everyone was a great addition to the event because everyone had different knowledge regarding specific topics, which made our discussions quite fruitful. Working in a team came naturally to me because I had previously done so. I enjoy making new friends and hearing diverse approaches while working collaboratively. Because everyone brought a unique perspective to the conversation our talks were highly constructive.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Ethics should always be an integral part of everyone’s life as people judge based on this attribute. As a volunteer it was my sole duty to be respectful to the chair’s, co-chair’s, delegates, committee members and even the support staff who were helping us out. It’s very crucial not to differentiate your behavior with whom you are working with and rather treat them all equally. I ensured to treat each member as well as the support staff as respectfully as I could as they were the only backbone of the event. Moreover, on the D-day I was assigned a particular venue and I always had the urge to move out and visit other venues but I was loyal to my duty and ensured I gave my 100% best wherever I am. Furthermore, I as being a volunteer has my phone all the time with me, I had cash to use, I had the free choice of moving around but I abided by those roles and maintained integrity to not use the phone until it was the need of the hour (like communicating with my colleagues), I also made sure not use the cash/coupons until a proper break was given. Even though I was not formally a part of the debate session I ensured to maintain the decorum and help out in every way possible. 

All in all, I attributed a lot of skills, attributes, learner profile that helped me work better at the event.


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