Photography Club – ClickIt

I participated in a photography club named  “Clickit” which was organised in school by students of grade 11. Since a kid, I was personally interested in photographing the world around me.It allows me to capture things and objects from a completely new perspective. In the club, I learned about different photography concepts such as types of photography angles, Exposure triangle, Shutter speed, ISO, Focal Length, Aperture, etc.

As a outcome of joining the club, I aim to have a better understanding of Photography as a subject and it will help me capture innovative shots. It will also allow me to learn about the different ways a single photo can be edited. What is the importance of Photo editing, Color grading, etc.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Photography is my point of interest which requires a lot of patience, because in order to capture the perfect moment / photo, it requires time. Since my childhood I am interested in photographing things, but at that age the photos were very common and average, but as I grew up I found out how vast this subject is, It is more than just clicking a button and getting an image. Since I knew about the basics of photography, I was able to gain knowledge more easily and it helped me learn more effectively.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The challenges I faced were that I was not getting the type of photo I wished to click, Hence I researched and found out that there are few basic things which I need to learn in order to get a satisfactory photo. Information like what is ISO,exposure,aperture,Shutter speed, and how all these affects a photo we click. What I have found out is that by just knowing all these concepts, it is not going to help me learn photography in detail. For that I will need to practice clicking different types of photos. Another challenge I faced is that Photography’s basic requirements are a camera, in the ClickIt club there were no specific requirements for bringing the camera however it was suggested that one must have a DSLR or Mirrorless camera, But I had Point-and-Shoot camera which can deliver satisfactory level photos. But learning new things with what is available is also something which I have learned through this club

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

To get the best learning from the photography club, It was recommended that everyone should bring their own cameras and since I had on, I bought it in every photography club session. I took notes of what was taught in the classes and during the practical sessions, I took photographs from the different angles and places which were challenging. I showed dedication in this CAS experience by participating in school events as a member of the photograph team, I clicked photographs in school events such as Sports day and Personal Project Exhibition of Grade 10. Participating in these events helped me develop skills and gave me experience about what real world photography is.

The learner profile attribute I developed in this CAS experience is Knowledgeable because I will gain knowledge which I will implement on my hobby of photography.

LO5 -  Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

The benefits of working collaboratively in this CAS experience is that I learned different ways of photographing from me fellow colleagues. I tried to understand a single object from different perspectives from asking them and how they portray this object and what different photographing styles they can use to capture the object. The benefit of doing so was that I got to know that there are many different one can capture moments and scenarios. By capturing different frames, it changes the meaning of the image and you can get more details from the image.

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