Guitar (Creativity)

CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) is a program that encourages students to develop their personal and interpersonal skills by engaging in various activities. The following is a reflection of my experience with playing the guitar in relation to the four learning outcomes of CAS.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Playing the guitar has allowed me to identify my strengths in music, particularly in creating melo

dies and harmonies. However, it has also shown me areas for growth, such as my technique in playing difficult chords and my ability to read music. Through consistent practice and seeking guidance from my guitar teacher, I have been able to develop my weaknesses and further enhance my strengths.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the pr


Learning the guitar was a challenging process as it required me to develop new skills such as finger coordination, reading music sheets, and playing different genres of music. However, through perseverance and dedication, I have been able to overcome these challenges and improve my skills. I have also participated in various performances, which helped me further develop my skills and confidence in playing the guitar.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
Initiating my guitar playing experience involved scheduling regular lessons. I had to plan and organize my schedule to ensure that I had enough time for practice and attend the lessons. Moreover, the teacher was just there to guide us but the initiative for constant practice to strive for perfection was ours. To search the chords, learn to read them, practice songs and chord reading was all done independently. I

also identified opportunities to perform in school and community events to showcase my skills and gain experience along with confidence.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Playing the guitar requires a significant amount of time and effort, but I have remained committed to it. There were so many times that I would mess up with the strumming and chord coordination, nevertheless practice makes improvement. I have consistently attended my lessons and practiced regularly to improve my skills. I have also participated in various performances, which required me to persevere through any challenges that may arise. Overall, my commitment and perseverance have enabled me to grow and develop as a musician.

In conclusion, playing the guitar has allowed me to develop various skills and qualities such as persevera

nce, commitment, and creativity. Through this experience, I have also been able to identify my strengths and weaknesses, develop new skills, initiate and plan my learning, and demonstrate how to overcome challenges.



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