Sports – High Jump and Hurdles – Activity

I have been doing athletics for many years and going to competitions. I like doing the high jump and hurdle specifically as I am good at them. I have been part of nationals and other competitions, it has become a hobby as I like doing it. 

LO 1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I identified my strength in those specific events and found the area of growth or development where it was needed. I reflected upon my own videos of competitions and corrected my mistakes in it to learn perfectly. 


LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The challenge I took while developing the skill was continuously practicing and improving my techniques to do better. As it needs constant repetitions to get it perfect. To get it perfect I also needed to work on my flexibility and for that I joined yoga to get better in it and have a flexible body. 

LO 4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This showing commitment and giving preference to the experience was important as  once we lose focus it is hard going back to it and starting it again. Sometimes I also felt like giving up because I wasn’t able to do it right but after showing commitment my hard work paid off when I got a medal in ISSO.

Doing sports together helped me recognize my strength in it. The learner profile displayed in the experience was reflective as I used to reflect on what my mistakes were and I could improve upon it.

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