Mount Abu Trip

During this experience, we went on a trip to Mount Abu which was organized by the school. The trip was for four days. We lived in a campsite which was like keeping our comfort zone aside. We went for 3 treks: Mowgli land trek, Golden horn chimney trek, and Sunrise trek, and did some adventurous activities like rock climbing, rappelling, and caving.

The learning outcomes I achieved from this trip are –

Learning outcome 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
In this experience, I learned how to do proper rock climbing and rappelling whereas I have only done rock climbing in normal adventure parks. I also improved in trekking as before I didn’t how to go for a trek, or how to get ready for it but I can do it. I also increased my stamina and developed my skills in rock climbing and trekking.

Learning outcome 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken and, developing new skills in the process
These challenges I undertook it was the first time I went for long treks, did rock climbing and rappelling, and caving so it was a hard experience for me. Caving was difficult for me because it was the first ever time and we have to go through very steep and deadly holes while going through.

Learning outcome 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in the CAS experience
I showed commitment and perseverance in this experience by completing all the activities and treks even though they were difficult Caving was difficult for me because it was the first ever time and we have to go through very steep and deadly holes while going through rock climbing even though we had harnesses for safety it was a tough activity to do. Trek was a little difficult too because it was my first time.

Learning outcome 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
In this experience, some activities needed team collaboration and you are likely to encounter situations where you collaborate with others to get the activity done. For example, on the third day, we played team games where we all had to work collaboratively to achieve win the game.
In conclusion, I could say that I enjoyed this trip where I created new memories, bonded with the teachers and my friends also achieved and learned new activities.

Evidence –

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