Volunteering at “FS got Talent”

FS got Talent is an event organised at school for all the students from grades 7 – 12. This event is an opportunity for students to showcase their talent and achieve a certificate. There are different categories for the participant to choose and perform at. We did have quite several participants for the event for different categories, and quite an enthusiastic audience as well. And my job at the event was to help with the decoration of the venue and coordinate with sound.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I got to help with what I’m interested in which is decorating the venue of the event. There was a total of 3 venues for different categories, and therefore the decoration of all the venues had to be different. It was relatively difficult to think of different themes for all the venues, but with everyone’s help, we pulled out glamorous decoration ideas. It was challenging because we had to think of decoration in connection with the category happening at the venue. I was also managing the attendance and was playing sound for whoever required. But everything was taken care of.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in the CAS experience.

Even for this event, we had to go to school early to complete the work, and the event was held on Saturday. Managing all three events at the same time, while managing all the participants with coordinating with the backstage was exhausting and confusing but keeping a strong mind and enjoying the process not the outcome, made it all happen. And this all shows the commitment level given in for the CAS experience.

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