Farewell ’23

I recently got a chance to organize the Farewell for the Batch of 2023, in which I took part in the Decor and Games team. Farewell is an event in which Grade 11 gives their seniors (i.e: Grade 12) a farewell party to celebrate their journey throughout the school. It was a challenging task to do because the decoration pieces like stars and planets had to be made using sustainable materials and the waste had to be minimal so that it would be environmentally friendly. 


The LOs I achieved were: 


  • LO 2: There were many challenges that were faced during the preparation of this event because the theme was Coldplay, we had to brainstorm really hard for matching the decorations with the theme. Also since we had to also focus on resource management and sustainability the resources given to us were very limited. 
  • LO 4: We needed commitment and perseverance because we needed to meet a deadline and have the entire venue ready. I also had to improve my time management skills because there were so many assessments during the preparation dates. It was critical to devote time and effort to both tasks. I’ve previously struggled with time management, so I took advantage of this opportunity to improve my approach.
  • LO 5: Working in a group was a big plus point because the no.of tasks were too many and the time we had was very less so working collaboratively really helped in time management.
  • LO 7: Since we did not have the privilege to order things like stars and planets online, we had to make it by ourselves, which would be way more sustainable and the resources used would be way less. This was done after considering the ethical and natural consequence of using unsustainable resources.


I developed the learner profile open minded since there was a group there would obviously be quarrels between the members of the team, clash of ideas, and many more conflicts we had to be more open minded toward others ideas as well

Final result:

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