LO 5 : The organizing committee for FSMUN worked under the core committee of leaders. The CC team by itself was of 8 people whereas the OC was around 40 people, everyone had to collaborate with teachers, supervisors, didis, suppliers and bhaiyas to make this event a success. Therefore, it is safe to say that collaboration and teamwork was the most crucial skill I developed throughout this journey. 

I learned to make personal sacrifices as when you’re part of a team you need to think of everyone and put the collective needs before your own. Oftentimes we had to deal with difficult people who wouldn’t complete their tasks on time because of which all the other work would get delayed, in such situations I learned not to lose my cool and to communicate calmly and reason with them instead. 

I also got to learn a lot from my other team members and the leaders. I observed how the main secretary had so many tasks on his hand but he would still manage them effortlessly and very rarely lose his temper. It is very important to work collaboratively because when I grow up and have a job or leadership role I will have to communicate with people on a daily basis.

LO 6 : Every MUN deals with issues of global significance, for instance the committee UNSC that I was in for most of the event, they were discussing terrorism in Africa. I got to learn a lot about such extremist parties and the stand that different countries have. This contributed to my personal growth because now I’m a more informed citizen.

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