Marathon for thalassemia patients

Thalassemia is a blood disorder that occurs when the body does not produce enough of the blood carrying protein that is hemoglobin, many people suffer from this disease however not everyone can afford the medical treatment necessary. This marathon was organized to raise funds for the treatment, the proceeds have helped several patients.   

LO1 : This was my first time participating in a marathon therefore I selected what is considered a relatively mild distance of 5 km. I have never done anything similar to this, in fact the maximum distance I had run before this marathon was a mere mile, therefore I was required to prepare for the same. As for preparation, I started a week before the marathon by regularly doing some form of cardio such as cycling or running. I understand that a week is not enough, however this gave me the push that was necessary to exercising on a relatively regular basis. During the actual marathon, it was challenging to keep up with the other runners and also became demotivating when someone would overtake you. However, my friend and I were running together therefore we were able to push each other to complete the distance. 

I feel proud of myself for participating and trying something new and I’m looking forward to more such experiences in the future that will help enhance my fitness. 

LO2 and LO3 : It is significant that I take up new challenges especially when it comes to my fitness because we need to find something that suits us. If I fail to try new activities I won’t realize what I like the best. Through this experience I realized my potential in long distance running and clarified whether or not I would like to continue it further. Exercise is very important, however finding the motivation for the same can be tiresome, nevertheless I want to continue this journey and lead an all around healthy lifestyle. 

LO 6 : The issue this marathon was supporting was helping patients with a disease called thalassemia. But there was also a deeper issue involved, the lack of medical facilities at a lower rate because of which a lot of people who have thalassemia, especially children can not afford treatment. This issue is prevalent throughout the world, especially in third world countries where poverty rates are high. 

I have come to realize how much of a privilege our health is, not just that but also being able to take care of yourself is a privilege. Going to the doctor for minor inconveniences seems pretty normal to us, but when we realize that a huge fraction of the world can not even afford crucial medication for deadly diseases, it makes us realize the importance of affordable healthcare. 

Knowing about this global issue has contributed to my personal growth as now I’m more grateful. 

LO 7 : There were instances in the marathon where we could’ve taken the short cut or given up, however we completed the 5km with integrity and grit instead of cheating and not following the rules. We had a strict code of conduct and made sure to remain ethical throughout. 

My work in this CAS activity has motivated me to participate in more such events that challenge me physically. 

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