An online Psychology course ( Yale university)

I have always been very interested in Psychology, but to understand it on a deeper level and get to know the roots of it I decided to take up this course – Introduction to psychology. Ive yet to complete it since its a 3-4 month course. I’ve been making sure to put in 1-2 hours of everyday into this.

LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

while attending this course i realised that sitting in a place for a prolonged time and paying attention to something was my weakness and I also tried to overcome that while attending the sessions in this course daily.

LO2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
The knowledge shared in this course was very complicated and tough to understand i developed listening and interpreting skills while taking this course

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

its hard for me to commit to something that i have to do for a prolonged period . this course can last from 3-6 months and i have been trying my best to commit , stay focused and finish this course.


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