OMUN (Online Model United Nations) is an online MUN program. I attended a meeting for  The Human Rights council debate regarding SDG 3 (Question of providing equitable and financially accessible healthcare for disabled individuals in developing regions)

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was very hesitant in the starting of the session , but then later on i was fairly effective and confident in the discussion.MUN requires you to conduct research and write position papers on a variety of issues. This assisted me in identifying my research and writing strengths.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

The session was all about critically thinking and coming up with as solution to the problem that was discussed I felt the need to develop on my problem solving and critical thinking skills further .

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

the issue was regarding the question of providing equitable and financially accessible healthcare for disabled individuals in developing regions . It is an issue faced globally as it is related to the SDG goal 3 -  good health and wellbeing , as people with disabilities around the glove have various limitations when it comes to work and jobs , this makes it hard for them to get the healthcare that they need which is why i feel the need to takes steps so that they would be provided with affordable but equitable healthcare support.



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