Cultural capsule

Cultural capsule, a student lead event where some students volunteered with the intent of educating people about Indian culture. On this drive, we went to an orphanage and conducted activities/games related to Indian culture. This was a great way of interacting with kids as young as 5 years old and reminding them about the uniqueness of Indian culture, reinstating the diversification and simply having some fun while celebrating this beautiful culture. I, along with 2 other volunteers conducted a workshop for Garba. Here students in small groups alternatively came to us as we taught them some simple steps of this dance form. 

LOs that were met during this:

LO1  -  Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Living in Gujrat I have played Garba on Navratri for as long as I can remember, I have also taken classes for it and I am well-versed in the basics of this dance form. I have also learnt classical Indian dance and have participated in several workshops on other dance forms. This acted as my strength where I could translate my experience of learning into properly breaking down the parts of the routine and teaching those kids effectively. 

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

As mentioned above, we were 3 people who taught this to everyone and so we divided students and sections of the dance amongst ourselves such that we could perfectly teach them a part of it and then shuffle the kids so that they can learn them in pieces and then properly perform it by joining everything together. With this, we were able to teach them a variety of combinations within a limited time.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Everyone has the right to quality education and the same has been directed under Sustainable development Goals set by the UN. These kids have the right to learn about their cultural dance form and living in Gujarat they should know this art form. It is not only an enjoyable activity but also helps them develop their concentration, patience and memory. It is one thing that can bring everyone together, at least in this State.

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