helping organize a cricket tournament

I organized a cricket tournament with a few of my friends. Throughout the tournament, I served as the umpire for the matches, making sure everything went according to plan, addressing any problems that came up, giving the players feedback, and guaranteeing the safety and well-being of everyone involved. To some extent, these tasks required me to use my organizational skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities to overcome challenges and adapt to changing circumstances. Aside from umpiring the game, I had also looked upon getting a sponsor for the event and setting up the necessary supplies, such water or the thirsty players and some food.


LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

as one of my strengths, I was able to event’s arrangements such as the team allocations and ensuring that the supplies are given to the players, setting equipment and banners was a strength accomplished by me. However since there were so few people managing other games in the tournament, managing a game, answering questions between games, and dealing with outside situations while games were going on was a challenge.


LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

by speaking from time to time with the participants, my communication skills, such as active listening and giving feedback to the players were helped to improve, Last but not least, dealing with major problems that came up during and before the tournament, such as money or event related problems, were all addressed well, handling these issues helped me in developing new skills in  problem-solving and decision-making.


LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

The budget was planned in advance for the event, and based on the number of participants, we had covered the costs for supplies, equipment, and any fees required.  To prevent conflicts, all of the tournament’s preparations were done and planned in advance, including choosing the venues, acquiring the necessary materials and equipment, hanging the event’s sponsorship banners, and setting up the teams schedules.



LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

There were a few problems during the event, like misunderstanding about runs, outs, and batting averages. Many outside volunteers who were present when the game was being played helped with these concerns. Lastly as an umpire, I had shown consistency and attentiveness throughout the event, which showed my dedication towards  the game.



Evidences –


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