Gym Training

Making physical fitness a priority is crucial. Initially, I decided to try out the gym during the summer holidays as a way to improve my health. However, as time passed, I started enjoying every gym session, realizing that it was much more than just a way to keep your health in line. I became curious about how each muscle develops, the types of training, dietary requirements, and how consistency and discipline are key factors for improvement.

LO1: Identifying strengths and areas for growth Having played basketball for years, I already had some cardiovascular endurance and strength, which worked in my favor in a few areas. However, lifting weights for the first time required me to focus on every muscle to adjust to the new movements.

LO2: Undertaking challenges and developing new skills Over time, the weight that once felt heavy became much lighter, indicating an increase in strength.  Going to the gym was challenging, as motivation decreases over time. Sticking to the gym routine required perseverance and dedication.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience, planning was crucial for going to the gym. To ensure that I worked on every muscle group, I had to coordinate with my trainer to make up a routine that equally trained each part of my body. In addition, since diet plays a significant role in achieving effective results, I collaborated with my trainer to plan my meals. Overall, going to the gym demanded a great deal of planning to optimize the workout experience.

LO4: Demonstrating perseverance and commitment to CAS experience Consistency is essential when building muscle or losing fat, and the gym teaches discipline. I followed the workout routine provided by my trainer and stuck to it.  Many of the exercises were tough, but they had to be done. I showed commitment to the process, resulting in weight and fat loss and the building of muscle and strength in just a few months. I continue going to the gym to make further progress.



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