Purvai : Service

Hi , I am Palaash Dubey .Purvai is a 2-day exhibit of sustainable brands participating from across India. The exhibit includes stalls, 2 workshops & artists performing on both evenings.It had fashion,food and music. Volunteering in Purvai was a great experience .It was a 2 day event in which i was given the white water kids brands stall to handle .

Throughout the event i demonstrated the following learning outcomes:

LO1: Identifying our strengths and developing areas for personal growth.

Purvai was a 2 day event. i went there at 8 in the morning till 9 at night .Every day i arranged the stall which was quite exhausting as there were lots of bags filled with kids clothes with different sizes , styles and designs .My strength was that i was good at communicating and selling the products as i worked at my dads restaurant .It was easy for me but keeping a record of what i sold was difficult .As i was alone it was hard to manage everything as sometimes many people would come at once so i had to collect cash ,pack clothes ,talk and do all things at once .i needed to learn how to be balanced and calm as many times i used to get hyper and stress a lot .

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

As i said above managing the stall all by myself was quite hard .As i had to do all things myself from taking cash to packing to keeping a record which was stressful but i developed management skills eventually .I also developed communication skills.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

Commitment and perseverance are both necessary for any experience.  For me holidays  are synonymous to relaxing and a time-out from anything demanding, so getting up on time and showing up for the event demanded commitment from me. As i just came back from an tiring trip from mount abu.Going to this event was like sacrificing my favourite time .

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

As  our countries develop in all areas such as technology and population .we are slowly using up all the resources available to us. And the solution to this is sustainable development .Purvai is an exhibit of sustainable brands participating from across India.

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