Ahmedabad manav sadhna : service

Hi i am Palaash Dubey . The recent visit to manav sadhna has changed my perspective of life and has shown me the real hardships people face on daily basis .I went to manav sadhna for 3 days and volunteered there.Throught the trip we did different kinds of services like serving food ,picking up trash etc.

Throughout  the trip I showcased the following Learning Outcomes :

LO1: Identifying our strengths and developing areas for personal growth.

I discovered that I am good at communicating with kids as there were a lot of kids at manav sadhna and we had to do activities with them and I was pretty good at talking to them after a few minutes they were comfortable with me .It was easy for them to connect with me . Though its usually difficult for me to communicate but it was easy with them.though i need to improve in socializing with people because I would rather sit alone and read rather than socialize .

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

One day we did rag picking from street and it was quite difficult as we had to search through dirty bins and trash cans .It was something new and i hadn’t done anything like that before .I had to be open minded and even while picking up trash i felt nauseous due to the smell.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working at manav sadhna with others was amazing as the people there dad a different point of view towards everything . It was beneficial as we get to learn from different people surrounding us .and I developed listening and communicating skill as it is equally important to listen and talk .

LO6 : engagement with issue of global significance .

The issue we are focusing on is  good health and well being ,quality education and zero hunger and no poverty . Manav sadhna is a non profit organisation focusing on better development in slum areas .They provide free quality education to the kids of slum areas and some development activities for girls as they dont get equal opportunities.the have opened small clinics for elderly and people in need of medical help.They provide food to kids .even we helped in serving food to them .there is another school there for untouchables in gandhi ashram .there are multiple problems that manav sadhna focuses on like sustainable development as the recycle plastic and glass .

overall this trip showed me a different and positive side of the world .


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