Global odyssey :creativity

Global odyssey is one of the biggest event of the year.this event was organised by business management and economics students .I  was in the decor team .Being in decor team was not easy as it was time consuming and required a lot of labour work . We had been working weeks before the event and even came early in .The event had fun ,food and fashion.

Throughout the event i demonstrated the following learning outcomes:

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills.

Decor played a major part in this event .everyone had multiple ideas .But every thing required time and hard work.I made most of the flags but it was very time consuming as I had to do the same process over and over again which was boring and frustrating.And the event was close so we had to hurry up with the process .I developed time management skills.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

While this event I also had my math summative coming up which made it difficult for me to participate in the decor activities .Still i managed to take some time off and do the work .

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Teamwork was the key to success in this event.Everyone was appointed according to their strengths making the work easy and efficient. Working together opened up new ideas and opinions helping in making the event successful and better .Communicating effectively , listening actively and being open-minded towards everyones opinions is really important .

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

Demonstrating our engagement with issues of global significance. We recognized the importance of sustainable development and took steps to reduce waste and reuse products and show our creativity.we reused the decor of other events and made something new out of them with our own ideas. hence not wasting the things available to us .


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