Global odyssey 3.o – CAS project

Global odyssey is an economics and business management combined event where Grade 11 students organize this whole event . In this event there are several teams made such as decor , fashion , fun/games , accounts etc which helps make this event successful . I in particular was the decor leader where I’d to lead my team and distribute responsibilities along with working collaboratively with other leaders . It firstly began with understanding the theme of the event, choosing the decor complementing the theme, then collecting the resources , dividing equal responsibilities and finally making all the elements and items required for the main day. 


This CAS experience catered to the  creativity and activity aspect of CAS as being one of the lead in the decor team came with a lot of extending ideas and critical thinking . We wanted to embrace our creativity and bring our thoughts to live to make this event successful . This was only achievable by team coordination and communication which was significantly seen . Hence through this experience I was able to achieve all the learning outcomes . 

Furthermore, this also catered to the activity aspect as decor responsibilities came with a lot of running around , finding resources from our schools in different venues , talking and taking permissions from different teachers . Thereafter we had to clarify a lot of things with the carpenter as well , then speak with our teachers for approvals. And on the final day all of my physical strength was tested ! Since we had to cover two venues there was a lot of climbing , hanging , sticking and cleaning .

LO1-  identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, as being a visual arts student in the past I had a lot of experience with such resources however this time it wasn’t an individual task , I had to communicate with my team members very carefully moreover keep taking feedbacks from others and teachers to improve upon our work.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process , this learning outcome was achievable as this was a new challenge for me – to be a decor leader but eventually I understood the responsibilities and learnt many new skills which came onto my path such as leadership , problem-solving, listening , critical thinking skills .

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, this LO focuses on collaboration which was the most essential part for me . Through our past experiences and knowledge we were able to build understanding within each other and come up with different roles and creative ideas .

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. This event is one of the most happening events of the year hence the preparations for the same were for over a month where everyone came together, put their thoughts , efforts and creative minds in to accomplish our goal for the final day .

LO5- demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively , this learning outcome no doubt was crucial as strong communication skills, active listening skills, conflict resolution abilities, and are necessary for successful collaboration . Also, when working together, you have the opportunity to take the time to hear what others have to say and learn something new. My ability to work well with others depends on my collaboration skills. These abilities are crucial because collaboration is required majorly in either being the part of a team or leading it.

LO6- demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance , throughout preparing our decor elements we used a great amount of waste brown paper to prepare our hangings for the event moreover we used many of the resources which were like waste to the school’s store and luckily those resources went well with our overall theme – boho.  FInally,

LO7 – recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions . As a leader it was important for me to keep my relations aside while giving responsibilities to others keeping in mind everybody’s abilities so that our work isn’t compromised. 


To sum it up, this was definitely an enlightening experience for me as on the event day all those early ins , playtime slots , working all day came to life and it felt all worth it !


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