Learning French

Learning French 

The aim for this CAS experience was to start learning French as I wanted to explore languages different from my native languages and English. This would help me understand how a new language is learnt and also provide me with a deeper insight into the French culture through learning the language. To display my understanding I wrote 3 limericks in French as a final product.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

To start with, this was the first language that I was learning which I hadn’t been speaking from my childhood, which was a very big challenge on its own. On the way it was very difficult at first to remember what the words meant and also to actually use them in sentences and conversations. Therefore it was challenging to implement it into real-life, which I overcame gradually by practicing speaking French by myself and writing out all the new words which I had learned every week. This helped develop my communication and thinking skills. Whilst writing the poems, it was very difficult to try and find rhyming words and to create a proper flow throughout the poem to not make it seem fragmented.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

To complete this CAS experience and write the poems a lot of perseverance was required as it was a very long and tiring process, because you can’t learn a language and how to write it in a month, it takes a few months to learn the basics of a language. Therefore, I had to keep going on and at least do 30 mins of French lessons on a daily basis to ensure that I don’t lose progress. Hence, to complete writing the poems, overall a lot of perseverance and commitment was required throughout the learning process.



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