Feeding the Stray Animals and Poor People

Feeding the stray animals and Poor People (S)

Together with a buddy, I decided to donate food, feed stray animals, and assist the destitute on the streets. I made a commitment to finish this project every weekend for a month. I offered this service since I frequently pass places where people are begging for food or money along the side of the road. I occasionally observe street animals there fumbling for food or looking for it. Additionally, I have a soft spot for animals, especially street animals who frequently go without food and search the streets for food in vain because no one will feed them. In order to show compassion and express my concern for society, we choose to feed the hungry and stray animals. I pick a spot where there are more people begging for food and decide to cater there. The LOs that I finished are listed below:

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

It was apparent that I would offer biscuits to dogs, just as I did when I distributed food and meals to those in need and street animals. Although there were many options, I had to come up with a plan of what we could give to the cows and people since there shouldn’t be any food wasted. We decided to buy cookies and donate home-cooked meals because we wanted to choose a meal that was satisfying and nutritious and they would enjoy eating. We had the same issue with street animals because we had trouble locating appropriate food, but in the end, we decided to feed the cows and give the dogs biscuits.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

We had to work together to arrange meetings and set a time to go out and distribute the food to the pope because we both had busy schedules. However, working together was fun, interesting, and great because we always had each other’s backs when it came to taking pictures of each other to use as evidence when the other person was distributing the food. As a result, I did not encounter any problems despite the fact that we both had busy schedules. But the main issue we had was finding time for the activity because of people’s hectic weekend schedules.  I enjoyed working with one of my friends because, in the end, we managed to finish, donate the food, and distribute it to the needy.

LO6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Animals need balanced food to develop and stay healthy, and famine can induce diseases that can be fatal. This makes hunger a severe issue. Allowing other significant life forms to go hungry while people waste resources is wrong. The misery of voiceless, speechless creatures is the issue. I was aware of the issue and wanted to take action for a very long time, but I was unable to put anything in place to offer food, even though I would always buy food and give it to the beggars when I had the chance.

After the event, I was glad to see people and dogs enjoying the food I had purchased for them. I was grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the larger good, and I would absolutely make an effort to assist more homeless individuals and animals in the future.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

In the neighborhood where I reside, I did see that there were surprisingly few people who would donate extra food to those in need, especially stray animals. As providing food to the needy was not common, I gave away excess food because I felt that this was the right thing to do and that others should feel the same way.

I had a great time finishing this project because I felt completely satisfied after donating and distributing the food to those in need as well as providing the food to stray animals because they typically have trouble finding food on the streets or it’s very likely that stray animals will be able to find food in India. although it does happen occasionally, some street animals are fed by shop vendors, and cows are fed the leftover food that is saved at most homes. I was happy that I could contribute to a significant issue while also helping street animals and others in need.



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