RobinHood Army Surat (Volunteer Work)

The Robin Hood Army (RHA) is a non-profit organization that works to address food waste and food insecurity in India and other countries. The organization operates on a volunteer basis, with individuals and groups working to collect excess food from restaurants, cafes, and other food establishments, and distribute it to those in need. It also aims to give underprivileged students in slum areas access to basic education.

My CAS experience has helped me to better grasp a critical worldwide issue. After participating in RHA, I realized how crucial it is to resolve this issue if the nation is to have a bright future.

Learning Outcomes:

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

At first, I found it difficult to carve out time to devote to a task I did not find enjoyable, but once I got into the habit of loving aiding the underprivileged, I was able to devote more time to the service. When I met other volunteers to work with them to assist those in need, I improved my communication and social skills. Together with that, I also improved my time management abilities due to the necessity of balancing volunteering with extended academic hours and deadlines.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

For the first time, I participated in or volunteered for an Organization like the Robinhood Army to benefit society. Initially, I only intended to participate in food drives in order to complete a CAS experience, but after dedicating some time, I realized that I could benefit more people. Although I intended for this to be a short-term experience, I ended up staying with the group for several months and making a difference in society. I ended up spending a lot of my leisure time with the Robinhood Army since I enjoyed volunteering and aiding the cause.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I got promoted to being a robin after a month, as I previously indicated. I have to work closely with many other volunteers as a robin. It was crucial for me to collaborate with others to locate suitable venues and sponsors for the drives. The work was simpler and more productive for everyone when they worked together. We were able to successfully plan drives for additional volunteers as a result.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Throughout the event, I came to see how important this local problem in my area is on a larger, global scale. “Zero Hunger and Quality Education” was established as a sustainable development goal. The sustainable goals address crucial topics. I took part in activities and drives for the Robinhood Army as a volunteer that support the mission of “Zero Hunger and Quality Education.”

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