Going to the gym ( Activity)

A 16-year-old can gain a lot from working out at the gym.
Physical fitness: By strengthening muscles, bones, and the respiratory system through regular exercise, one can enhance their physical fitness. Additionally, it can lessen the chance of contracting long-term illnesses like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and weight. Mental health: Research shows that exercise improves mental health by lowering tension and anxiety, boosting mood, and boosting self-assurance.  Socialization: For teenagers who are still working on their social skills, going to the gym can offer an optening for socialisation and meeting new people.


LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled: I started going to the gym to better Physique and improve my health. I also improved my mental health massively as the days I was going to the gym was very refreshing and I looked forward to it every day. I went to the gym when a lot of people came. I made new friends and learned a lot of new things from the people. There were a lot of experienced people and they taught me the best ways, forms, and techniques to master exercises.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills: I faced a number of challenges as a beginner lifter in the gym. I made a workout plan before I started. But As soon as I got there, I didnt have the proper form and technique to make the workout more intensive and effective for my body. I also was everwhelmed by the options I had and hence sometimes I overdid my body in the initial days. But ahead with time I learned the perfect techniques, time, and intensity. I was also impatient and needed immediate result. I sometime lifted with a lot of ego and was trying to check gains all the time.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience: When I first thought of joining the gym I started researching online about how to begin workout and how to start. I discussed things over with my father, he was there as a proffessional as he has been traning since over 10 years now. He made me think of my final goals and what I wanted to achieve from it. I also planned my diet and workout accordingly. I took an elaborate BMI test to strt from which included details which I had to keep in track during this time period. This way I could make the best my time.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience: 

Showing commitment in the gym can have many positive effects on your physical and mental health. I improved my physical fitness, Regular exercise  improved my overall physical fitness by building strength, increasing endurance, and improving flexibility. I increased my energy and stamina levels, by commiting to a regular gym routine, I noticed that I have more energy throughout the day and can sustain physical activity for longer periods. I lost weight and gained muscle, I was Consistent in exercise that helped me lose weight and build muscle. By burning calories and increasing muscle mass, I achieved a lot.

I potrayed the learner profile Principled and Courageous while doing this activity. I Was principled to wake up everyday at 5 am to get to the Gym and start working out. I also used to follow my diet plans very strictly. I also am a vegetarian so my diet included a lot of vegetable from where I got my energy.


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