Global Odyssey (Service)

The event known as Global Odyssey  provided students with an opportunity to observe the formation and operation of a business. This annual event, which took place on February 23, 2023, was organized and attended by teachers, students, and business management and economics majors. It was broken up into various categories like fun, food, fashion, and a photo booth.

LO’s met during this CAS experience

LO1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As the majority of students would rather spend their money on food and other games than robot fight, my team initially believed that the event would not draw many customers. We reasoned that since fewer customers would arrive, the three of us would be able to handle the situation. On our stall, not many people were present. However, it exceeded our expectations.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

At first, when the final plan was made, we thought of a fighting arena. But because it took a lot of work, we had to change our mind. After that, we came up with another plan in which we used red ribbon to create a rectangular boundary. We discovered that we had not made the poster for our stall one day before the event. I stayed up all night to create the stall’s poster.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

It takes a lot of planning and effort to start a business. We searched, planned, and created the outcome over the course of a month to ensure that our robot battle ran smoothly. We had a variety of concepts, but this was the best and had a lower production cost. We had a variety of ways to get more customers, and we knew the best prices for our robot fight that would be profitable and affordable to them. We would not have been able to accomplish all of this without patience, teamwork, and time management techniques.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The most crucial aspect of our robot fight is teamwork because if everyone disagreed about which game to keep on the stall, the stall would not make money. Since this was a student-led event in which cooperation is most important, we had to work together with our fellow stallmates as well as coordinate as a team. In order for this event to be successful, everyone needed to work together and understand each other equally.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

We kept in mind that our robot fight would be at a reasonable price, that we had to be fair to everyone, and that we could not be biased toward the people we know. Business ethics are also an important part of running a business, so we kept that in mind. Overall after the business fair was complete, the school donated 5% of the profit initiated by each stall and donated to an NGO.


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