Global odyssey

Global odyssey is an exciting event for students. In this student students can explore their business and entrepreneurship in creativity. Our school has decided to host that event for BM and economic student. In Global Odyssey students have to make their group and sold their items, our group chooses to sell food items and food items our pesto pasta, cheese samosa, and Oreo milkshake. Our primary aim was to offer delicious. I was in charge of making cheese samosa. We were supposed to bring food for  For6 to 12 students as well as teachers. We decide to prepare meals at home before selling them. We’ll create milkshakes in school and sell them.

L1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was able to recognize my strengths and weaknesses thanks to this activity. I found that I had good communication and marketing abilities, but I also learned that I needed to concentrate on my time management and organizing skills because I was finding it difficult to keep up with the demands at our food stall. But by being aware of these weaknesses, I was capable of focusing on improving them and working on plans for future achievements.

L2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Selling food things proved to be difficult for me because it was my first time doing it. I also make sure that the meal is both savoury and hygienic to consume. To do this, I had to cook the food multiple times and taste it. I also had to plan my time well because I had pending schoolwork. To overcome this challenge, I researched food items that I could prepare in large quantities, I also take advice from an experienced chief on food safety and hygiene.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Initiating and planning for the global odyssey requires preparation and creativity. As a team, we decide to sell foods that can attract large numbers of customers. We brainstormed a list of food items and also research the cost of food items and also ingredients required to cook food.

To organize ourselves we created a detailed plan that included a timeline, roles and responsibilities, and a budget. Every team member has a specific task to complete, like buying ingredients or paper plates to serve clients.

L4. Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

This activity required a great deal of commitment and perseverance as we had to put in a lot of effort to prepare and sell our food items. We spent countless hours researching recipes, shopping for ingredients, cooking, and packaging our products. We also had to coordinate with our team members to ensure that everyone was contributing equally and that we were meeting our sales targets.

One of the biggest challenges we faced was the competition from other teams selling similar food items. This required us to be persistent in our efforts to attract customers and to keep refining our products to ensure that they were of the highest quality.

Despite the challenges, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in the work that we were doing. It was rewarding to see the positive feedback from our customers and to know that we were making a difference in the world by raising funds for a good cause.


LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working with others can be both easy and difficult for me, depending on the situation. However, during this particular activity, it was relatively easy for me to work with others. We all had a common goal, and everyone was committed to making the project a success.

We had to work with various people, including those who had different opinions and approaches to the project. Still, we handled it well by listening to everyone’s input and compromising to come up with the best solutions.

Collaboration is essential in today’s world, and it is crucial to be able to work collaboratively with others. Working collaboratively enables individuals to share their knowledge and ideas, promote creativity, improve problem-solving skills, and achieve better outcomes.


L6. Engagement with issues of global significance

Food security is a critical issue globally, as over 800 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hunger, and an equal number are malnourished. The issue affects not just developing countries but also developed countries, where food waste is a significant concern. By highlighting the issue of food security through our food sales, we hoped to encourage people to think about the impact of their food choices and waste.

The global issue was that the food wastage a lot of food was remaining at last so we thought instead of wasting we should donate our food to NGO and we also donate our 10 %  of the money to NGO.

L7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

During the Global Odyssey activity organized by our school, I decided to sell some of my homemade food items. While the event was a fun and exciting opportunity to showcase our entrepreneurial skills, I couldn’t help but think about the ethical issues involved in selling food.

One of the most significant ethical issues in food sales is food safety. As a seller, I had to ensure that the food I was selling was prepared hygienically, stored at the right temperature, and labeled with accurate information about the ingredients used. Selling unsafe or contaminated food could have serious consequences for the health of the customers, which is unacceptable.

Another ethical issue is the environmental impact of food production and consumption. As I prepared my food items, I had to consider the source of my ingredients, their packaging, and the waste generated from the sales. The food industry is a major contributor to environmental degradation, and as a seller, I felt responsible for minimizing my impact.




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