Bela Mela

Recently, I volunteered at the Bal Mela event hosted by our School, where I taught basketball to underprivileged children.

The Bal Mela event was a fun-filled occasion for the children. They were delighted to participate in various activities such as face painting, sack race, dog and bone, and many more. As a volunteer, I was responsible for teaching basketball to the children.


LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth


During the event, I identified my strength in teaching and interacting with children. I was able to engage them in the activity and keep them motivated throughout the session. However, I also realized that I need to work on my communication skills, especially when it comes to explaining the rules and techniques of basketball to beginners.

Now that I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses, I feel more confident about my abilities, and I know what areas I need to improve upon. It is essential to know our strengths and weaknesses as it helps us understand ourselves better and identify areas where we need to focus on to improve ourselves.


LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

What made the task challenging was that the kids who attended the event had varying skill levels, and some of them had never played basketball before. I had to come up with creative ways to teach the basic skills of dribbling, shooting, and passing in a fun and engaging manner.  And another challenge was that there were so many kids in the bal mela, it was difficult to handle a lot of kids. To handle we divide them into groups, By undertaking this challenge I developed new skills,I discovered that I have good communication and teaching skills that I can use in the future, not only in sports but also in other areas of life.


LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Working as a team our work become easy and we were able to manage the kids. During the activity, I was able to demonstrate my collaborative skills and recognize the benefits of working with others. Working with others generally comes easy to me because I believe that teamwork can help achieve better results than individual efforts. In this particular activity, it was easy for me to work with others because I had a team of volunteers who were enthusiastic and supportive.


LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issue of global significance


The issue that caught my attention during the Bal Mela event was the underprivileged children’s lack of access to opportunities and resources. This is a global issue as many children around the world do not have access to basic amenities, education, and opportunities that are necessary for their overall development. This issue is important globally as it affects the future of these children, their families, and their communities.


LO 7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

The ethical issue that was involved in this activity was fairness and equal opportunity. Being from an underprivileged background, the kids I taught may have had limited access to opportunities and resources compared to their more privileged counterparts. As a result, providing them with an equal opportunity to learn and develop their skills in basketball was of utmost importance.


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