Programming Club


I joined the programming club at the beginning of the school year as my AS option, and it was a great opportunity for me to explore my creativity in a new area. Over the course of the first term, I learned how to code in Java, which was a new language for me. I found that programming required a lot of creativity and problem-solving skills, as I had to think critically to come up with solutions to complex coding challenges.


LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Through this experience, I was able to identify my strengths and areas for growth in programming. One of my strengths was my ability to quickly learn new programming concepts and apply them in my work. However, I also realized that I had a weakness in debugging and troubleshooting code when errors occurred. I found this to be frustrating, but I learned that it was important to take my time and carefully analyze the code to identify the source of the problem.


LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills


Initially, I found it challenging to grasp the concepts of Java programming. I had never coded in Java before, and the syntax was new to me. However, I was determined to overcome this challenge and learn the language, which pushed me to dedicate extra time and effort to the club activities. Through practice and seeking help from more experienced members, I eventually overcame the challenges and was able to write Java code proficiently.


LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.


While participating in the programming club, I faced several challenges that required perseverance and commitment. Learning a new programming language was not easy, and I had to put in extra effort to understand the syntax and apply it in practice. There were times when I struggled to comprehend complex concepts, which made me feel frustrated and demotivated. However, I persevered by seeking help from my peers and practicing consistently to improve my skills.

To complete this activity, I had to commit to attending all club meetings, participate actively in discussions and contribute to the development of software applications. I also had to allocate extra time outside of school to practice coding and enhance my skills.







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