Trekking at Mount Abu (Golden Horn Chimney Trek), Rock Climbing and Rappelling, Caving

Our school takes each class of students to a different place for a nature camp each year. However, due to the pandemic, we couldn’t go anywhere for two years but once things settled down, we finally went to another long-awaited nature camp – Mount Abu.

During this trip, I engaged in physical activities like rock climbing, trekking, rappelling and caving.

LO1: I am an adventurous person and love physical activities like these, so while performing these activities, I was able to identify my own strengths and weaknesses and note them down. These experiences have helped me know in what areas do I lack physically and how to work on them and improve.

LO2: I hadn’t done caving and rappelling before, so learning the required techniques and implementing them on the spot was a challenge for me not only in terms of skill but also in order to ensure my safety.

LO4: All of the tasks were really time consuming and during rappelling and caving, I felt a bit terrified as the surface was soft and a bit slippery, but that was when I showed perseverance and determination to complete the task. The feeling after was unmatched.

I displayed the learner profile Courageous as I performed adventurous activities most of which I had never done before.

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