Bal Mela

Bal Mela is an annual event hosted by Fountainhead  which was held on 25th February  2023 . The purpose of this event is to provide fun filled time to underprivileged kids by involving them in lively and creative activities such as face painting , sac race , dog and bone and many more . I was in incharge of nail art because I have always had an interest in designing and learning about nail art. This was a great opportunity. Seeing those smiles on their faces made me feel happy that I could be a reason for someone’s happiness.

The following LO’s were met:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of the key learning experiences for me was identifying my own strengths and areas for growth. I recognized that my strength lay in communicating with people from diverse backgrounds, as I was able to understand their needs and how they wanted their nails to be done.However, I also acknowledged that I needed to develop my skills in managing large groups of people. I felt challenged in managing a large number of participants, but this experience helped me develop new skills in event management.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in process

Being an incharge coordinator for the activity, it came with a challenge of having the responsibility for my groups and understanding their needs. I have a very low patience level and usually prefer an autocratic approach, this was a big challenge to face. I had to be patient with my juniors and understand their opinions. I learned cooperation and moving with my team. It made me realize how convenient it is to have everyone on board and work toward the same aim.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Teamwork and communicating well among the team was integral for us to make it fun and successful .As there were hundreds of kids and there were only 7 volunteers and 2 didi’s.We needed to make it work and make it seem smooth so that the kids could have fun. By helping each other and working in shifts we were able to achieve our goal. The communication was the most essential part of and I got lucky with some amazing people who made it look effortless.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Bal mela was held to reduce the economic disparities and for underprivileged kids to experience all those things that they deserve to but aren’t able to .The experience increased inclusivity and helped bring kids from various backgrounds, age groups, and social strata to have a good time together.

LO7: Recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and action.

Fairness,  respectful, and being accountable are the core values that must be taken into account in this situation. It may have reflected in our contribution in the bal mela.They may be a little shy because they were young, so we had to be a little more cautious around them. Additionally, just because they came from a less fortunate background didn’t mean they should be treated  with any less respect. They were all treated with a smile and welcoming environment. 



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