Global Odyssey 3.0|Business Fair

Global Odyssey a student-led event, conducted on 23 February 2023. We the students of Business Management and Economics were informed to lead this event-flea market. The event was mainly organized so that we use our book knowledge in real life and experience the ups and downs of a business. This event was divided into 3 parts- food, fashion, and fun. For this event, I was appointed as the Event Coordinator. The following LOs were met

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My role required a lot of communication and patience for understanding my members and catering to their problems as my weakness therefore I took up the responsibility of the event coordinator so that I could develop these skills. One of my strengths was leadership which came in handy while taking charge of this whole event. It helped me to know what part I was lacking and helped me improve it.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Throughout the event, I learned various skills, one of which was dealing with a crowd. I also actually learned how to work with people and understand their demands and problems. During the day I realized an important lesson which is to trust your teammates and always try to assist them/ ask them to assist you with difficult tasks. This you can work as a united force and get through the event with great success.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in the CAS Experience

 As said in advance that there has been a lot of work that had to be done. But no matter the demanding situations that we confronted we made certain that we are dedicated to our work and made sure that we balance it with our studies. As a result of our commitment, we confirmed it became feasible for us to complete the work on time. Our perseverance to give the best to our audience and be sustainable was something that we focused on throughout the event. without the commitment of all the members, this event would not have been a great success.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The whole idea of planning and executing the event was collaborative work. Our team leader planned and delegated the work equally between the members. Due to the smart delegation, we were able to easily gather resources and were able to complete the work easily without having a workload. Good communication with the other departments allowed us to understand their decor needs and allowed us to integrate their ideas into their stall decor.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

We made sure that we keep sustainability as our top priority in this event. We didn’t allow the usage of plastic plates and glasses as we didn’t want to create a pile of plastic waste and also didn’t want unnecessary money usage behind the cutlery. So instead of that, we asked them to bring their lunch box to enjoy the food, also we kept steel plates and glasses of school to rent at a very reasonable price.We also didn’t let resources go to waste, we used the old decoration to decorate the whole event.

Overall this event allowed me to realize a few strengths and reinforced my communication and catering skills. It also left me with the importance of teamwork, overall I really enjoyed this event.


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