French Immersion Event {2023}

An occasion called a “French immersion event” is created to assist those who are learning or honing their French language abilities to immerse themselves in a French-speaking setting. Language learners have a rare opportunity with this kind of event to hone their French in an encouraging, immersed setting.
Our school hosted a French Immersion celebration on January 13th. Teachers and students from DP participated in this event. With entertaining games like crossword bingo, memes, and jokes, students and teachers at the French immersion event were exposed to the fundamentals of the language. Its goal was to make the pupil aware of and comfortable with French.

I participated in the Hangman and crossword team for the French immersion.


LO 1 : { Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth }

Knowing our strengths is one of the most important advantages since it boosts our confidence. We feel more confident and inspired to take on new tasks when we are aware of our skills and abilities. By making us of our strengths to reach our objectives, we may feel more content and accomplished.

On the other side, being aware of our shortcomings enables us to pinpoint our areas for development. With the purpose of becoming more well-rounded people, we might concentrate on improving these areas. It also permits us to discern when we require support and assistance from others.

LO 2 : { Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills }

I had to be careful and diligent in order to complete the challenging task of selecting the accurate information about the nation I was allocated and making sure that each activity reflected the proper understanding and to overcome this challenge, I researched upon the country I was assigned and learned their popular things like the famous food, their well known tourist places and more. Taking on new challenges assists in personal development. It lets you learn new abilities, face your fears, and develop your strengths. By pushing yourself, you gain confidence and competence.

LO 4 : { Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences }

We are frequently forced to step out of our comfort zones and push ourselves past our limits when we take on new challenges. As a result of realizing that we are more capable than we previously believed, this can boost our confidence and self-esteem. We can learn new skills and knowledge that we might not have otherwise acquired by taking on new challenges, and this can be useful in both personal and professional situations.

LO5: { Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively }

It was comparatively easy and more uncomplicated as the work was divided upon the team. Through a collaborative effort, this event was planned. We all had to work collaboratively  to make the event a success. Even though there were occasionally differences of opinion, we improved our communication skills and found effective solutions to all of our issues. We were better off working together because there were more ideas to consider.


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