FS-Global Odessy

Fountainhead School held an event (Global Odyssey) that gave me a great opportunity to learn that in businesses there are many people to whom one must listen before taking any step in the company or start-After subtracting the cost, there are many types of expenses that we have to pay. I am in a fun-related stall, where I had to make people play the game (overflow of water).To make this event successful, we need a good amount of business knowledge, such as how to nudge people in order to influence them to play the game, as well as good communication skills. This event was conducted to give us a glimpse of how real-world businesses make profits and how we have to interact with different people.

LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I really enjoy participating in exhibitions and activities, as they excite my curiosity immensely. Taking advantage of my imagination, I came up with original ideas for games that the kids would find interesting, which drew more students to my stall. This would bring more customers to our stall, allowing us to sell it for a profit. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to draw in as many customers as I had intended at first. As a result, I changed the pricing and marketing strategies, which eventually enabled us to boost our profit.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I had difficulties at first because I didn’t have many buyers, but once the intended consumers arrived for whom I had chosen the game. I honed my marketing skills while presenting my ideas and the games I was selling, as well as persuading students to play the game on my stall.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I reminded myself that our game would be reasonably priced, that we had to be fair to everyone, and that we couldn’t be biased toward people we know. We kept in mind that business ethics are an important part of running a business.

Learner profile-

The learner profile for this cas is communicator since I need to interact with people in order for them to buy the goods at my stall. When the age group changes, I also need to persuade them to buy my product in a new way.




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