ISSO Volunteer – Service

As an ISSO volunteer, I had the opportunity to be a part of the management team for an al-India IB schools sports tournament that was happening in Surat for the very first time. It was an exciting opportunity to work alongside other volunteers and be a part of such a prestigious event. Our primary responsibility was to manage the entire process to ensure minimal friction during the event. We had to handle various teams and take care of them by providing the best hospitality possible. We worked tirelessly for weeks to ensure that everything was in order and that the event ran smoothly. We were all so excited about the event, and our hard work paid off as it was an extremely successful tournament. However, during the event, it started to rain heavily, and it was a major obstacle that we had to overcome. The tournament was outdoors, and we were concerned about the safety of the participants and the audience. We held it together and ensured the smooth flow of events, despite the heavy rainfall. It was a challenging task, but we were all determined to make it a success. We had contingency plans in place, and we worked closely with the event coordinators to ensure that everything was in order. We had to be on our toes at all times, and our hard work and dedication paid off in the end. Overall, the experience was extremely rewarding, and I learned a lot about teamwork, time management, and communication. It was a great opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself and to make a positive impact on the community. I look forward to more opportunities to volunteer in the future and to continue making a difference in the lives of others.

LO 3 -  Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

To initiate the experience, we identified the need for volunteers for the event and reached out to the organizers to express our interest in volunteering. We then identified our strengths and skills that would be useful in organizing the event, such as time management, communication, and teamwork. This process demonstrated our ability to initiate and plan a CAS experience, as we took the necessary steps to identify an opportunity to serve our community and planned accordingly. 

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in activities: 

Once we were selected as volunteers, we committed to the experience and demonstrated perseverance throughout the planning and implementation process. We were committed to ensuring that the event was a success, and we worked tirelessly for weeks to ensure that everything was in order and that the event ran smoothly. This demonstrated our commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences, as we worked hard to overcome any obstacles that arose.

LO 5 -  Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively: 

During the experience, we demonstrated our ability to collaborate effectively with others and communicate efficiently to ensure everyone was on the same page. We worked hard to cater to the needs of the event’s stakeholders, including the participants and the audience. This demonstrated our ability to work collaboratively and effectively, as we worked with other volunteers and event coordinators to ensure that everything ran smoothly. This event helped us showcase the IB Learner profile communicators, thinkers, reflective, and knowledgeable effectively. 

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