Learning drums – CAS Experience

I have always seen a lot of my friends and brothers learning different music instruments. I have always wished to learn a musical instrument, and drums was the perfect option because it will help me be confident and also drum is going to be a really complex instrument which will need a lot of technical focus and will also give a me a good challenge . It will also help me achieve a very important characteristic which is consistency. by this activity I intend to grow in all aspects of my life as creativity is something I have always been interested in and I even have a creative mind.


LO2( Demonstrating that challenges have been undertaken, Developing new skills )-

One of my biggest challenges while learning this new skill was time management as I had a really tight schedule but I had to work hard to overcome this challenge. I had even practiced a lot to develop these skills especially drums are a little bit harder to learn because of their complexity and in the end I was able to develop my skills of learning drums.

LO4 ( Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience )-

I consistently went to drums classes for 6-7 months and I had to show a lot of commitment and  perseverance as even when my schedule was really tight I was able to squeeze time out for my drum classes. After a while it became really fun and entertaining, so it was no longer a big issue.



I had also learned an attribute out of this which is knowledgeable as now whenever I hear a song with drums in it I can instantly figure out what kind of a pattern is being used in it.


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