Decor team of global odessy

Global odyssey was a student-led event for economics and business management students where everyone got together and put up stalls to sell their products. I was given the opportunity to be in the decor team of the event so I had to collaborate and work together with my team to decorate the entire lawn area of our school so that it looked like a boho flea. We had to brainstorm how the lawn would look and then execute it with the help of our fellow teammates.



I was committed to completing the decoration of the venue of global odyssey. Since we were under a time constraint we had to be done with the venue on 23rd February and since there was a lot of decoration to put up we had to work quickly and efficiently to complete the given tasks on time. We had to miss our study slots and come early in and show commitment towards this event to complete everything.



Everyone had to work together and collaborate to do their part in decoration. People had to work together to do certain tasks like hanging the decorations on a high pole or actually creating the small decoration pieces, working together allowed them to be more efficient in their work and the decoration was done quickly so that it can be completed on time.


This CAS experience was tiring but rewarding for me, we had to miss our slots and come early to school just to get our decorations done in time for the event. I had to collaborate with my fellow teammates from my grade to make this event successful. I refined my communication, thinking, and open-minded skills throughout this journey.

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