Educational trip – CAS experience

I wanted to give myself a challenge and this trip to Abu completed this request of mine as I wanted to test my limits and even wanted to increase my endurance and stamina. I was also given the opportunity to stay with some of my friends and experience this together. With my friends on the side I was able to push my limits and also in this trip I was given a lot of valuable survival knowledge.


LO2 ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills )-

Going on this trip was a really huge problem for me as first this was my first ever school trip and on the other hand you are supposed to trek so I had to push my limits and had to challenge myself to complete the trek and this tested my endurance and stamina a lot, But in the end I was successful and Developed some survival skills.


LO4 ( Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience )-

Once we had started the trip there was no coming out of it, This trip was 5 days long, And so I had to push my limits and show perseverance that I was not going to back out of this at the last moment and commitment as If I was going to do this then I will do trekking while giving my best.


LO5 ( Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively )-

With working together me and my friends were successfully able to complete this challenge with ease as we all were pushing ourselves at our best, We could even have shared our skills to improve and make our journey a little more easier.



In the end It felt good and proud of ourselves that we were able to get through this successfully while having a lot of fun and even being able to spend time with friends.


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