Last month my friends and I participated in an event that takes place in our school every year. we had a fashion stall where we were supposed to sell bracelets and necklaces etc. our stall was one of those stalls that made the most profits and the one who had the best products in general. We applied our negotiation skills to quickly sell all the products and  put up a price that they could not refuse. I personally wanted to do something for the charity and donate something so this was a great opportunity to for me because in this event 5 % of out profit would go to a NGO which that works towards the betterment of the future.We felt proud to contribute towards a cause that we strongly believe in and make a difference in the world, even if it was just a small contribution. So here are some learning outcomes:


Participating in the event and selling products that I made on my own was challenging.  like managing all the money that we made. promoting our stall and selling the product at the best prize. and was quite of a new experience for me to sell products that I personally would never wear.


To sell the product we had to come up with various type of design and product idea that would be useful for the us to help us sell product. We had to promote our brand by asking our friends to wear sample and walking around the event to promote it.


Running a fashion stall took a lot of attention, with all the customer we had at one time I needed a team. we only had 2 student at my stall which was me and my friend parth . Someone was had to control the finance and someone had to control the customers. In the end we managed to manage it all perfectly. and gave them the best service.



Global odyssey was a event where we appreciate fashion and cultural from all around the world were selling jewellery and necklace from that were local from Indian style which contributed to global engagement a lot. and also we donated part of out revenue, we engaged in global cause and had a positive impact of the society.


As privilege students we should all ways donate we should always promote betterment of society. And by donating some percentage of revenue we had a positive impact on the society



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