Global Odyssey 3.0 (Accounts team)

I participated in the Global Odyssey event, which was put up by BM and Eco students and teachers. We students were allowed to organize this event so that we could get experience with how a business works in the real world. I was on the accounting team, and my duty on event day was to act as a cashier for the other teams, calculating their income, and profit/loss, and taking out a specific percentage for donation.

As a result of my CAS experience, I will get a better understanding of how any business works in the real world, and how businessmen cater to their competitors.

LO1: Identify your strengths and develop areas for growth.

In this CAS experience, I was able to identify that business can be my strength. You need to know your weaknesses so you can know what things you can do the best and what things are not your specialty and what things you have to improve in. I would like to work on my strengths and make it more strong.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

We had some challenges in collaborating with the team because everyone has a different idea in their mind and that idea has to be approved by the teachers that are why it was a challenge to come to common ground. We developed teamwork through this CAS experience.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

The commitment required to complete this activity was that I committed that I want to learn about how the business in the real life works. And what all challenges can businessmen face.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

In Global Odyssey, I worked with my teammates to handle the cash inflow and cash outflow of the stalls that were set up in the global odyssey. The importance of teamwork in my CAS experience was very important as we were as a team organizing a global odyssey.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Ethics plays a very important part in this CAS experience because as we were the cashiers of the stalls we were instructed to not steal any money and also to submit all the revenue generated by the stall. And by following the rules we were demonstrating our ethics.

The learner profile attributes that I developed as a result of this CAS experience is Communicators because I communicated with my team members in doing our work properly and making the event a success.




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