Mount Abu : Activity

Hi, I am Palaash dubey . I went to Mount Abu on an educational trip. During this trip we did multiple things like caving ,trekking ,camping, rock-climbing and other obstacle activities . It was really exhausting as all the activities required a lot of physical effort but overall it was a fun trip .

Throughout the event i demonstrated the following learning outcomes:

LO1: Identifying our strengths and developing areas for personal growth.

Through this trip i identified my strengths and areas where i need to grow. Throughout this trip all activities required physical strength and stamina. Activities like trekking up the mountain caving required more physical effort  and  it made me realise i need to work more on my stamina and do more physical activities . As on daily basis i do little to no physical activity which is affecting my stamina .

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

As I mentioned above due to my stamina I was facing difficulty trekking .During the first trek we did on the day we arrived I was fine but the Golden Horn Chimney trek was really challenging .We had to be careful with every step as it was a rocky surface .Especially at night it got really dark and i could barley see. I even twisted my ankle on the way back to the camp site.And i developed the skill of being careful and aware of my surroundings .

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I had to be very persistent and determined as the treks were long and very challenging. Although I was able to complete them it was extremely tiring .But at the end the view was worth it .

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issue of global significance .

While trekking we saw trash all over the mountains .We found wafer and biscuit packets and plastic etc . So sir took a polythene bag and collected the trash all the way and threw it when we reached the camp site .This was significant because we need to protect the environment and we need to keep it clean .

Overall this trip was nice i got to find my strengths and weaknesses and i learned areas where i need to grow. Furthermore i had an amazing time with my friends .And i got to spend time in nature .


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