Volunteering at government school

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

In this activity, I performed the sand art, and made children do it. In government schools or India, education is considered not to be of good quality. And even so, they usually don’t take a holistic approach towards learning. I believe that for the minds of little children to grow, they require a more holistic approach towards their learning and need more creativity for it to benefit them in the future. I took this step specifically for the SDG Quality Education which is a major problem in rural areas of India.

SDGs associated with this are – No Poverty,Good Health and Well-being,Quality education,Reducing Inequality.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

After performing this activity, I learned that quality education and a holistic approach is important for personal and social development apart from the economic and career opportunities.I decided to take my education more seriously and started to treat and see everyone equally instead of judging and looking at someone in a biased manner. I learned that quality education is a fundamental human right and a key enabler of individual and societal progress and development. It is an investment in human capital that can pay dividends for generations to come.

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