Nomads charity performance – CAS project

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

For our cas project, we had to perform in a cafe and raise donations to donate to charity. We had to accomplish many tasks. Contact the cafe, grant approval, decide the time and location and arrange the event. Plan and start recruiting people (including us) to perform in the cafe and practice a lot. Plan the songs and sequence, prepare and learn them. Promoting the cause, and then finally donating to the charity. For this, I knew that I was quite confident and could easily communicate with people, which I bought to my advantage. In this cafe there are usually professional bands that perform, and for us to convince them to let a school band perform was a huge task. With negotiation, I was able to get them samples of band practice and performing a week prior in front of the cafe team with a small audience, and eventually got them to approve us. During event day, I was also able to use communication skills to promote the cause and raise an amount of rs 10,000 for the charity. I realized I need to work more on planning everything out and thinking a plan through, because there were a few technical errors during the performance, and the medium of donation was not thought of through, because of which there was a delay, but overall my first experience of organizing an event outside of school was successful.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

As stated above, I learned how to organize an event, the prerequisites,hosting , the music stage setup to communicate with the audience and persuading the cafe owners, were all skills that I developed gradually through this project. I had also not performed in a long time, so I had to polish my skills with the instruments again, and overall improved on my collaboration, communication, motor, and social skills.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

While thinking of a cas project which included creativity and service components, I immediately thought of a charity performance. Because of this I would be able to again learn how to play the guitar, and I would get to enhance my social skills, and do good for a cause.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

We had to perform twice for 3 hours which would include about 40-50 songs, and to practice and remember them was a huge task. Although with consistent practice we were able to use our skills and perseverance to bring it to a success.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Like mentioned earlier, we had to perform in a band with 8 people and so many songs were to cover. During so many practice sessions, it was not possible to get everybody. One or two were absent every session, and we had to trust them on completing their part. We were very nervous and felt like we were underprepared, however in the end with coordination and skills we were able to manage the event and perform successfully. If there was an error made by someone, others would cover it up, members would switch in one was not so confident in a song and the confidence and support got us through this.

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