CAS Experience 5 – Writing Blogs

For one of my CAS experiences, I chose to write blogs about science and philosophy online to share my research and findings to people with like minded interests,In total I wrote 7 Blogs online on a website called,I used this experience to  not only develop my creative skills but it helped me built my expertise / Sharing knowledge and as a result I got many Networking opportunities.


As part of this experience, I planned to meet multiple Learning Outcomes.


Learning Outcomes : 


LO1 [Strength & Growth] : 

Writing blogs on science Involved a lot of research, critical thinking, and creativity. As a result, it helped me strengthen my analytical and communication skills, as well as expanded my knowledge in that  particular area. Writing blogs also encouraged my personal growth by promoting self-reflection, exploration of new ideas, and constructive feedback.


LO2 [Challenge & Skill] :

Writing blogs on science Involved the challenge of Communicating complex scientific concepts in a way that is easy to understand for a layperson. This required not only a deep understanding of the subject matter, but also the skill to articulate ideas clearly and concisely which I learnt and developed during this experience, and to engage readers with compelling content. It also requires the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments in the field, and to present information in a factual and accurate manner.


LO5 [Showing perseverance and commitment] : 

Writing blogs on science involves showing perseverance and commitment by regularly researching and writing about complex topics in a clear and engaging manner. It requires a consistent effort to learn and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field, as well as a dedication to communicating these ideas to a wider audience. Through regular blog posts, you can demonstrate your commitment to your field and your passion for sharing knowledge with others.

One challenge I faced while writing blogs was effectively communicating my thoughts and ideas in a creative and engaging way. Specifically, I found it difficult to come up with unique and interesting ways to convey my points, which hindered my ability to effectively communicate my message to my readers.To overcome this challenge, I took a step back and brainstormed different approaches to communicating my ideas. I also sought feedback from peers and made adjustments based on their suggestions, ultimately improving my ability to effectively communicate my message.


Learner Profile : 

As a learner, writing blogs on science has helped me develop a range of skills and competencies that are highly valued in many fields. For example, it has encouraged me to become an inquirer by researching and exploring different topics in depth, while also deepening my knowledge of science and scientific concepts. Writing about science has also required me to hone my critical thinking skills, as I need to analyze and evaluate information in order to effectively communicate it to my readers.

Effective communication is another key skill that I have developed through writing blogs on science. It has challenged me to be clear and concise in my writing, while also presenting complex ideas in an accessible and engaging manner. Reflective thinking is also important when writing blogs, as I need to evaluate my own writing and identify areas for improvement.

Finally, writing blogs on science has helped me develop digital literacy skills, as I have had to understand how to use various technologies and online platforms to effectively communicate my ideas. This includes skills such as creating and formatting blog posts, using multimedia to enhance my writing, and promoting my work on social media platforms.

Overall, writing blogs on science has been an effective way for me to develop a range of important skills, including inquiry, critical thinking, communication, reflection, and digital literacy.


Blog Writing,Helped me develop my creative side by encouraging me to think outside the box and coming up with unique ideas and perspectives. It requires me to express myself in a creative and engaging manner while also considering my audience’s interests and needs. The process of crafting a blog post involves brainstorming, planning, and editing, which all require creativity. Writing blogs can also improve my communication skills, as I learnt to convey my thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner. Overall, writing blogs was a valuable tool for developing my creativity, self-expression, and communication skills.


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