Global Odyssey (Accounts)Creativity

Global Odyssey is an event which our school organizes each year, its a type of business fair. In which there are several teams, accounts, decor, food, fun and etc. I took part in accounts teams as per my likes. It was a great experience at global odyssey.

Global Odyssey was concerned with the disciplines of economics and business management. On the day of the event, many stalls for food, fashion, photo booth, and fun were set up. The students demonstrated their classroom learning outside of the classroom, including principles such as profit maximization, pricing, demand, supply, marketing, and many more. There was a diverse crowd ranging from grade 7 to grade 12, as well as teachers.

The event was organized mostly by economics and business management students, with assistance from teachers. The event has several management divisions such as décor, accounts, food, fashion, social media, fun, music, and event planners in order to make the event a success.

I was a part of the Accounts Team of the Global Odyssey 3.0 event, where we all were responsible for handling the finances during the entire event.

LO2:- Demonstarte that they have undertaken challenges devloping new skills in the process.

Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills. – Keeping books at stalls might sound easy but when this has to be done fast, it is very hard to keep track of people’s orders, their payments and change, Initially it was hard but then I got used to it and kept increasing my pace.

LO3:- Initiate and plan a CAS experience

As a team, we came up with the idea for the Global Odyssey event by seeing a chance to demonstrate our skills, creative and societal thinking, and interaction. We understood that organizing a big event would be difficult for us and provide us a chance to learn new things. We outlined our responsibilities, created a schedule, and made objectives. We also made sure that the event was in sync with the SDGs and the  learning outcomes. So overall, a lot of planning had been done by the entire organizing committee of the event in order to ensure that the event is a success.

LO5:- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 

As I was a part of a large organizing committee, we had to work as a team, which required effective communication and cooperation so that the decisions are made keeping in consideration the different perspectives, and so that everyone would have clarity about their individual roles so that they could perform them in the expected manner. Teamwork was essential for the event. From the outset of the event, the whole staff, whether it was accounting, décor, food, fashion, or fun, gave their all, which contributed to the event’s success.

LO-6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The Global Odyssey event showcased our involvement with global challenges by being designed and adapted to the SDGs. We took action to promote responsible consumption and production, lessen waste, and highlight innovation and creativity because we understood the significance of sustainable development. Also, we made sure that the gathering encouraged ethical employment, enhanced economic growth, and developed durable infrastructure.

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