CAS Project – Freshers Party

Title: Managing a Freshers Party: My Experience as a CAS Project Leader


As a CAS project leader, organizing a Freshers Party was not just about planning a fun event; it was an exercise in leadership, time management, and adaptability. I had the privilege of leading a diverse team, each responsible for a different department. Here, I’ll provide an overview of the tasks I undertook and how they aligned with the CAS Learning Outcomes (LOs).

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Leading a project of this magnitude required me to identify my own strengths and areas for growth. My natural leadership skills helped me guide the team effectively. However, I realized that I needed to enhance my budgeting and conflict resolution skills. Recognizing these areas for growth allowed me to allocate resources and address conflicts more efficiently.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Throughout the project, I faced numerous challenges, from coordinating with entertainers to managing last-minute changes. These challenges pushed me to develop new skills. Negotiating contracts with performers honed my negotiation skills, while handling unexpected issues improved my problem-solving abilities. By embracing these challenges, I demonstrated personal growth and the acquisition of new skills.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

Initiating and planning the Freshers Party was a significant aspect of my role as a leader. I developed the project’s concept, set clear goals, and created a detailed plan. This planning phase required me to consider budgets, themes, venues, and entertainment options meticulously. It allowed me to practice project management, aligning with LO3.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Organizing the Freshers Party demanded unwavering commitment and perseverance. There were moments of doubt and setbacks, but I remained dedicated to fulfilling my responsibilities as a leader. This unwavering commitment was a testament to my determination to see the project through, aligning with LO4.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Collaboration was at the heart of this project. Managing different departments meant working closely with a diverse team of individuals. We had to leverage each other’s strengths, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Effective communication, compromise, and conflict resolution were crucial skills that I, as a leader, had to demonstrate consistently, aligning with LO5.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Ethical considerations played a pivotal role in our decision-making process. We had to make ethical choices regarding budget allocation, theme selection, and treatment of all participants. As a leader, I actively recognized and considered the ethics of our choices and actions. This helped us maintain the integrity of the event and ensure it aligned with ethical standards, aligning with LO7.


Managing different departments as a CAS project leader for a Freshers Party was a challenging yet immensely rewarding experience, aligning with various CAS Learning Outcomes. It allowed me to identify my strengths and areas for growth, develop new skills, initiate and plan a CAS experience, demonstrate commitment and perseverance, promote collaborative teamwork, and consider ethical choices and actions. This project not only created a memorable Freshers Party but also shaped me into a more capable and ethically responsible individual. It was a true embodiment of the spirit of CAS, fostering personal and academic growth while making a positive impact on my community.

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