Robin Hood Army

The Robin Hood Army (RHA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing food waste and food insecurity in India and other countries. The RHA is a volunteer-driven organization that collects surplus food from restaurants, cafes, other food establishments, and certain institutions and then distributes it to those in need. Additionally, RHA also works to provide basic education to underprivileged students in slum areas.

My experience with CAS has provided me with a deeper understanding of a critical global issue. Through involvement with RHA, I’ve come to realize the importance of resolving this issue for the betterment of our nation’s future.

Learning Outcomes:

LO 2 – Demonstrating the acquisition of new skills through overcoming challenges

Initially, I faced difficulties in finding time for a task I didn’t find particularly enjoyable. However, as I developed a passion for assisting the underprivileged, I dedicated more time to service. Collaborating with fellow volunteers to help those in need improved my communication and social skills. Moreover, I enhanced my time management abilities by learning to balance volunteering with demanding academic commitments and deadlines.

LO 4 – Exhibiting commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences

My initial participation in the Robin Hood Army was primarily driven by the need to fulfill CAS requirements. However, as I invested more time, I realized the potential to make a more significant impact on people’s lives. What started as a short-term commitment turned into several months of dedicated service, ultimately making a positive difference in society. I voluntarily devoted a substantial portion of my leisure time to the Robin Hood Army because I found joy in volunteering and believed in its meaningful cause.

LO 5 – Demonstrating teamwork skills and acknowledging the benefits of collaborative efforts

After a month of involvement, I was promoted to the role of a “Robin,” as mentioned earlier. As a Robin, collaboration with numerous other volunteers became integral to my role. Working closely with others was essential in identifying suitable locations and sponsors for our food drives. Teamwork made our efforts more efficient and productive, enabling us to plan drives that engaged even more volunteers effectively.

LO 6 – Engaging with issues of global significance

Through my experiences with RHA, I gained a broader perspective on the global relevance of the local issue in my area. “Zero Hunger and Quality Education” is a sustainable development goal that addresses vital global issues. My volunteer activities and participation in RHA’s drives align with the mission of achieving “Zero Hunger and Quality Education,” contributing to a more significant global effort.

LO 7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

My involvement with the Robin Hood Army (RHA) emphasized the ethical aspects of our mission. We were committed to collecting surplus food responsibly, ensuring its safety and hygiene. Treating those in need with respect and compassion was fundamental to our approach. Additionally, we maintained an environmentally conscious mindset, minimizing our ecological impact. LO 7, in my RHA journey, highlighted the significance of ethical considerations in addressing food waste and food insecurity with integrity and empathy.

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