Robinhood Army Service(service)

RHA, Robinhood Army is a non profit organisation that works for the community mainly by delivering food to the unprivileged  by gathering left over food from events and people willing to donate . As part of their weekly drives , the volunteers called robins go around various destinations in surat and deliver the food given by donors . These drives include food drives where food is distributed and academy drives where we teach unprivileged children . Additionally during special events or in the case of any festival , donors willing to give out to others contact the organisation and donate the items while us robins distribute them.

Being a part of the robinhood army I learnt :

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I initially struggled to find the time to dedicate to a task that I did not find attractive, but once I developed a habit of enjoying serving the less fortunate, I was able to spend more time to the project. My communication and social skills were enhanced when I met other volunteers to collaborate with them to help those in need. Due to the pressure of juggling voluntary work with lengthy school commitments and deadlines, I also made progress in time management.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

For the first time, I took part in or volunteered for a group like the Robinhood Army to help the world. At first, I merely meant to take part in food drives to finish a CAS experience, but after putting in some time, I understood that I could help more people. Even though I only intended for this to be a temporary experience, I stayed with the group for several months and managed to change society. Since I liked volunteering and helping the cause, I wound up spending a lot of my free time with the Robinhood Army and it became a set routine of going on drives every weekend.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Each drive and accomplishment was a joint effort, and overcoming obstacles during the course of the activities demonstrated commitment and persistence through the drives.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The more I learned about the scenario, the more I realised how critical this neighbourhood issue is on a bigger, global scale. As a sustainable development objective, “Zero Hunger and Excellent Education” was set forward. Important subjects are covered by the sustainable goals. I participated in the “Zero Hunger and Excellent Education” programmes and drives for the Robinhood Army as a volunteer.




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