From August 27, 2022, to September 25, 2022, I took part in a beach cleaning event. Our primary goal was to clean up the trash that had been dumped along the Dumas beach. Garbage such as glass bottles, fruit and vegetable peels, food wrappers, etc. were among the waste. But the polyethene bag was the most noticeable and perilous. 

I hope to get knowledge about many environmental problems and their solutions through this CAS experience. I discovered from my CAS experience that there are a number of significant problems that are produced in locations like the beach, riverbank, etc. Garbage disposal is one of them that we can handle on our own.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience - 

I demonstrated dedication and determination in this CAS experience by participating in beach cleaning. Early in the morning, we went to Dumas Beach to clean it up by collecting trash, garbage, bottles, polyethene bags, veggies, etc.In order to keep the land and water clean and preserve hygiene, we also raise awareness of cleanliness around the beach and worked to decrease and stop pollution in the area.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively - 

Each team member received tasks, such as- what supplies to bring (gloves, garbage bags, etc.). In order to do our best to reduce the amount of garbage along the beach, we also planned to clean up different portions of the beach and were divided into pairs on different days. Overall, it was a very positive experience to team up and get to know new individuals.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

Plastic, an artificial organic polymer that has an impact on the marine ecosystem, is found all over the beach. Plastic pollution has a negative impact on hundreds of thousands of marine species globally, including sea turtles, seabirds, etc . In order to reduce the issue caused by ocean waste and the risk that plastic pollution poses to marine life, beach clean-ups are vital.

In Conclusion, the experience was quite productive, and the best part was seeing the beach completely clean after a month, which also served as an indication that we had succeeded in finishing the assignment.

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