School Community Service

We are totally conceived equivalent, yet are partitioned by race, cast, culture, religion and generally by cash. We are isolated by our monetary status and subsequently some get more open doors while others are left with practically no openness. Thus, I did this CAS experience to assist with showing understudies, those kids from Government schools who don’t have the amazing chance to gain proficiency with specific things. We furnished them with chromebooks and showed them abilities like composing, utilising the web, playing web based games, drawing instruments and even coding(HTML and CSS) to higher grade understudies.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled- 

I determined my areas of strength and chose to take on the majority of the technical planning task. I was unable to instruct a young group of students. By selecting apps that I think may connect to a younger audience, I would make the strategy more engaging. However, since I was aware of my limitations as a teacher, I took every chance to improve.

LO3(Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience)

I had to divide the kids into groups according to their ages and abilities, along with my classmates, to handle things properly. Prior to the sessions, we had done very little planning, so we had to change several things to fit the children’s learning preferences and prior knowledge. Planning ahead was somewhat necessary in this situation, but we also had to be prepared for change and the possibility that our plans would not go as we had hoped.

LO5(Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively)-

Teamwork was important for this because I worked with my classmates from school. We divided up the tasks according to our areas of expertise and managed to work together without any major issues. Although there were some problems along the way when some people didn’t participate enough or support the youngsters, these issues were quickly resolved because the majority of us shared the same purpose, which was to teach the children. Considering the amount of students we had to manage, this teamwork was important.

LO6(Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance)-

This community service project tackled many global challenges related to the SDGs, including eradicating poverty, ensuring access to quality education, and reducing inequality. This is so that we could work together to give others who were less privileged an opportunity, help in giving them a decent education, and lessen the gap between us and them by giving them access to the same IT skill set that we had.

LO7(Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)-

I took steps to act morally while instructing them on how to uphold equity by providing them with the knowledge they required. I had always been concerned about this problem and had tried to do something about it. After completing my community service, I felt great knowing that I had served these kids by giving them a smile and the IT skills they needed to succeed in the twenty-first century.

Concluding ,I had a great experience executing this event for three weeks. I gained a lot of new knowledge and understood many new contexts. It helped me establish connections with people I was unable to before.

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